Episode 461 - Something Bad Is Going To Happen

On this edition of the Arsenal Vision Post Match Podcast Elliot (@yankeegunner) is joined by Clive (@clivepafc) and Paul (@poznaninmypants) to relive the Everton game and make sense of what exactly went wrong with the performance. First there’s a quick discussion about the protest related to ownership and the impact that has on the football. Then the game is discussed at length including a few performances of note. There’s a deep dive on the goalkeeper and what the manager needs to do at that position, plus a big look ahead to Thursday and whether we might see a surprising change of formation and personnel. There’s even a quick discussion about what to do with Joe Willock. Then Elliot is joined by Akhil Vyas (@10akhil) from the board of the Arsenal Supporters Trust (1:18:00). Akhil covers discussions between the AST and British Government, some of the talking points from the fans forum, and what needs to happen and could happen regarding the ownership of Arsenal. All that and more on this edition of the Arsenal Vision Post Match Podcast.

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